What You Should Know Before You Buy An Electric Wheelchair

Electric wheelchairs are a great way to give someone who is wheelchair bound considerably more mobility. The advantages over a manual wheelchair are huge, and as such, electric wheelchairs are the choice for many wheelchair bound people.

But one downside is that they are usually very expensive, especially for a good one. The prices can range from $2,000 to anywhere up to $20,000 or more. If you?re going to spend a lot of money then you want to make sure you?re buying the right wheel chair for you.

So with this in mind, I?d like to give you some advice on how to choose an electric powered wheelchair.

The first thing you need to do is work out how much money you have to invest in an electric wheelchair. For most people, you just need to call your medical insurance provider and they should be able to tell you how much money you can spend on a wheelchair.

Another consideration to take in mind is how much of your own money you want to spend on the wheelchair as well. This will help you get a better quality wheelchair if that?s what you would like.

You need to decide on the right kind of control system. Your choice may be influenced by your own physical limitations. One of the best options is the joystick control, which you operate with your hand. But obviously, this is only an option for people with good arm/hand control. If you can?t use this kind of control system, there are other options available. One of these other options is a head control system.

Think about any special customisations you would like to be made to your wheelchair. You want to make sure it?s a comfortable experience for you, so if you can think of anything that will improve your chair, even if it?s just adjusting the amount of padded cushion you have. You should be able to get someone to handle this for you.

Finally, make sure you give the electric wheelchair a good test drive. You shouldn?t feel rushed when deciding on a wheelchair, and you should take plenty of time to get to grips with what it?s like to drive. If possible, you can try and arrange to try the chair for a few days. Some companies may even offer this as standard. If you have the option, then take it. You may notice good or bad points to think about during the course of a few days rather than a few hours.

I hope this has given you a better understanding of what to look for when it comes to buying an electric wheelchair.

Sarah Wright owns a blog dedicated to wheelchairs. You can find more articles and advice on electric wheelchairs at her blog which you can find here: http://www.wheelchair-blog.com