It was an evening of fun and stress relief as my partner and I drove to the celebration of our friend's 60th birthday.
There was some thing different about the colour of my friend's hair but I will get to that in a moment.
The atmosphere was magnificent. The hall was beautifully decorated and the mellow nostalgic music just set the stage for a very enjoyable evening.
The guests were all adorned in their best outfits and the women's hair styles were all stunning. I often wondered if the women got their hair done the same day or if they had it done the night before. If they got their done the night before I am often curious as to how they slept during the night.
It was like a big reunion as and we got caught up on the latest gossip. Eventually we sat down to an enjoyable meal of sinfully delicious food.
After the meal it was time to toast the man of the evening. As the speeches began the truth was revealed.
My hair is gray and I am not yet sixty, but I was wondering how come all of my friends hair were jet black (both men and women).
I thought something was wrong with me. During the speeches it was revealed that both men and women were using hair coloring to to hide their gray hairs.
It was like a big confession and now the secret was out of the closet.
Think of all the stress you have to go through to constantly hide you gray hair with hair colour. I should know, I used to do it but it was too stressful so I gave up.
My friends were getting stress relief after they went through the stress of hiding their gray hair with hair colour.
So what is the moral of the story?
Nature has a way of allowing you to gracefully carry a wonderful head of gray hair but may you fight the process and colour your hair. Sooner or later like me you may surrender to the process and enjoy the compliments which are one of the side benefit of showing off your natural gray hair.
In my opinion when you tell yourself that you are going to allow your gray hair to grow naturally, you will never feel like coloring your hair again.
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