The benefits of massage are many. If you get a massage from a qualified therapist, you will improve your circulation, organ functions, provide stress relief, remove unwanted fluids from your system, allow for athletic recovery from physical activities, make your skin more supple and elastic, etc.
As you can see from the aforementioned list of benefits, it's a bit odd for anyone with knowledge of the benefits of a massage to skimp on it. Especially considering you can get all these health benefits without doing any work! I mean other than identifying the right massage therapist which could take some time, all you do is lay there and your health improves.
Clearly massage nor anything can nor should be treated as a one-stop solution for health improvements. Consider massages as a complement to a healthy lifestyle, such as eating right, dieting, and exercising. Massages can be used to fine-tune your body much like your car needs fine tuning every now and then.
Our physical health directly affects our emotional, mental, and spiritual health. In other words, if you do not take care your body, all other areas of your life will slowly deteriorate and vice versa. Massages provide a fun, easy, and accessible way to get some healthful benefits. And who knows, it may rejuvenate the other areas of your life directly. It may give you the energy to work on the other things you know you should be doing but never got around to.
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