Alopecia Areata and Hair loss: What Does Aloe Vera Have to Do with It

A disease of unknown cause in which well-defined bald patches occur, usually on the head and other hairy parts of the body. The condition typically clears without treatment; recurrences are common. Alopecia areata is an immune system disorder where hair follicles cease making new hairs. About 2% of us experience a case of alopecia areata at some point in their lives.

Even though medical doctors have no known cure for alopecia areata, there have been some discoveries in the medical research arena of aloe. (El Zawahry M;Rashad M;Hegazy MR;Helal M;. Use of aloe in treating dermatoses. Int J Dermatol. 1973; 12: 68-73)

The Aloe vera gel, the substance from the inner leaf, has long been used for its wound healing properties and contains mainly polysaccharides consisting of acetylated mannose, glucose, galactose, and arabinose. Numerous studies have documented the effectiveness of fresh gel in healing skin or excessive x-ray irradiation or thermal burns. Fresh aloe vera gel applied to the skin was shown to be effective in alopecia, and alopecia areata. Several human clinical studies, which documented efficacy of aloe vera gel in treating psoriasis, burn wounds, and skin abrasions, have been documented. (Woodward S;. The soothing aloe vera plant. Delicious. 1997; 68-71)

Even though medical wisdom says that there is no cure alopecia, there is medical research stating that they have seen much improvement to alopecia in regards to aloe vera. Alopecia is not life treating, but it can be annoying. Remember alopecia is nothing to lose your hair about.

Alopecia areata treatment by Richard Amburn

What you should know about

The Importance Of Hair Masks

It is summer time and your hair tries to play funny tricks with you and by the end of it you can imagine yourself as having a bad hair day. According to the seasons one has to take care of their hair. Summer always plays havoc on your hair so taking care of your hair during these times would make sense.

The base of our hair structure is protein. So having a protein filled diet for your hair would get most of your hair problems solved in no time. If your hair is properly taken care then your hair would be one of the smoothest, silky, shiny and dandruff free hair. Oiling your hair is very essential for the future of your hair.

The hair mask works in different manner in comparison to the conditioner. The concentration level of hair mask is much more than that of the conditioner. With the high concentration of moisturizer your hair is given the extra treatment for those bad hair days. This used once a month would be good enough rather than the daily use of your conditioner.

Worse the hair condition better the hair mask will work on you. It will help in creating the extra shine and look to create that impact. These masks come in different brands as well as you can prepare it home and use it. It will show a great deal of improvement and your hair would be very manageable. There are many ingredients which work in favor of making an excellent mask like honey, egg, almond, yogurt, avocado, olive oil as well as use of fruit which can give your hair that extra suave touch.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of sites related to hair and skin care which have information on on various skin care tips, hair care tips and guidelines for better hair.

Top Secrets for Healthy and Beautiful Life

There are some effective tips to keep your body in a good mood both in terms of health and beauty. The following techniques are some examples of doing so easily.

Ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun may harm the body by increasing the risk of skin cancer if one gets excessive amount of sunshine in a little time. Despite its benefits, some type of sun rays have been proved to be harmful for skin. It may even trigger early aging, which is one of the most frequent ailments people suffer from today.

Another substantial aspect of this issue to get protected from harmful sun rays at utmost extent. Sometimes, driving a car cannot prevent UV rays from drafting into the body. In order to avoid such risks, sun screens must be used. Degree of harm of UV rays may change according to the daytime or altitude.

High places usually are at higher risk of making one prone to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. For this reason, careful observation is needed when sun screens are to be purchased. Quality brands whose products protect the body from the different types of harmful rays should be preferred.

Daily water consumption is another factor in keeping the skin healthy and fresh.However, this should not be confused with consuming large amounts of liquid incorporating water in them. Harmful materials used in the production of such liquids affect the body health directly and usually dramatically. People who want to keep healthy and beautiful should take this into account.

Accessories are one of the most striking parts helping one to gain some popularity regarding his/her look. For instance, the type of eyeglasses is vital since its frames should not cover the entire eyes, but they should complement the facial look. Sometimes, switching to contact lenses can be considered as a good idea because they are more practical to use. Different colours may help one to get a new and more attractive look.

Still another technique to employ is not to wear high heeled shoes for long hours in a day. Various illnesses have been found to be caused by this type of mistake. One should try her best to choose looking sexy and living healthier. In fact, there is a reasonable solution to this intriguing problem such that both of these concerns are satisfied. One may try wearing wide and healthier shoes while working and she could switch to high heels when she is attending an important occasion. So as to avoid health problems, one must alter her interests and instant desires a little.

Woman's hair has a great importance in that it gives woman a different look when cut differently. In order to be consistent with this issue, hair stylists must be static; i.e, one should not switch too many hairdresser's in a few months. Having the hair cut by a well known person may be very good for the future life of the person.

In conclusion, beauty is likely to be the most important feature for the woman on the world today, and its importance means much more than it did in the past. Therefore, women should perform extra effort to keep their skin healthy and look fresh so as not to attract the males in whose dreams they live.

Find more articles of this author at Article Drop Directory and Plain Health

Procerin FAQ's

If you are having trouble with the loss or hair and experiencing baldness you may have heard that the new supplement can be the end to your woes.

Although it is true that Procerin has been shown to alleviate hair loss and assist the body in naturally regrowing lost hair, there are quite often questions you need to have answered to determine whether Procerin is right and effective for your hair loss needs.

Who can Use Procerin?
Hair Loss is caused in 92% of cases by a condition called androgenetic alopecia which can both be genetic or develop over the course of ones life. This type of hair loss is the type treated by the natural ingredients of Procerin so it can be said that for 92% of those experiencing hair loss, Procerin is usable. Also Procerin is not suitable for women.

Does Procerin Work?
According to the majority of those surveyed Procerin is effective in reducing hair loss and assisting in the reproduction of new hair. It does this by inhibiting the chemical (known as DHT) that is responsible for the destruction of hair cells when released from the scalp and hence allows the body to naturally regrow its hair without restriction.

Are there any side effects?
The great thing about Procerin is that because it is not a prescription treatment there are no side effects as a result of its usage. Some users have experienced minor stomach aches after their evening dosage but in most cases this is offset simply by taking the supplement along with your evening meal as opposed to on its own.

How often do I have to take Procerin?
The recommended dosage of Procerin is one tablet in the morning after or with breakfast and one in the evening with or after dinner. While results have shown to vary you will generally begin seeing results within 2-3 weeks and within 2-3 months you will notice significant growth to your scalp. You may then continue taking Procerin as long as you feel necessary to achieve your desired results.

What happens if I stop taking Procerin?
This is a common concern. Some subjects have reported that their results remain permanent after ceasing use of Procerin while others find that after a certain period of no longer taking the supplement they begin losing small amounts of hair again. This varies due to the level of testosterone (and hence DHT) produced in the individual but luckily you can alter your Procerin supplementation according to your own results.

With correct usage Procerin really can help you regain that youthful appearance and feel younger and more confident again.

Gary Stephens writes on many men's health issues including hair loss and balding and runs an informational website on hair loss treatments. More information can be found at

Chair Yoga for Senior Independence

Until a certain age in life, words like dignity, quality of life, and independence seem to be more suitable for descriptions, or reasons, why independent nations had revolutionary wars, than for senior independence. However, for seniors, these words reflect the need to stay the course of independence.

In some cases, our bodies go on existing, while our physical and mental health is slipping away. We need something that will maintain our health, aside from another prescription, with side effects.

Walking offers many good benefits, but some of us have more wear and tear on the knees, hips, and back, than we would like. We gave up running years ago, and walking is fine, but has to be kept in moderation. We should still walk when, or if, it is possible, but you have to listen to your body and walk accordingly.

Chair Yoga offers a safe, low-impact workout, with cross training benefits that will change your life for the best. Flexibility, mobility, bone density, and strength can all be enhanced with the practice of Chair Yoga.

With flexibility comes ?new found? mobility, and this contributes to independence. Many Chair Yoga students start a walking program, or use an exercise bike, elliptical trainer, or tread mill, for enhanced cardiovascular work - shortly after seeing the results of flexibility and mobility.

Fall prevention is also covered in most Chair Yoga classes. Most of us realize the potential consequences of falling down, with bones that are not as pliable as they used to be. We all know how devastating a broken hip can be. Therefore, balancing exercises are covered, and students are reminded to work on balancing at home.

At home, the walls, and your kitchen counter, can also be used for sturdy props when working on balancing exercises. You should also be aware that some prescriptions will affect your balance. This is one more good reason to talk to your doctor, or pharmacist, about the side effects of any prescription.

You can also research any prescription?s side effects on the Internet, by going to a search engine and entering the name of the product in your search. This will take you to the manufacturer?s site, and at the bottom, you will see the possible side effects of that particular prescription.

Getting back to flexibility, mobility, and balance - you can make the most of your life by visiting a local Senior Center or Yoga studio to inquire about Chair Yoga classes. Some classes are also a mix of disciplines, and may be labeled as stretch, wellness, or stretch and tone classes.

If possible, try a class to see if it fits your needs. You will start feeling the results in a week or two and make the most of your life, right now. No matter how much time we have left, we all want to remain independent and keep our dignity intact.

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.